Wednesday, 29 May 2013

$5 Million "Dollars" luxury, exclusive, designer, hand made, awesome time piece from Hublot!

$5 Million Dollars time piece. This is a monster of all watches. I don't think even Jay Z has this one in his collection?
Who said it cant be done? Who said it wouldn't sell?
Well it did and it has!
Timz Watchez is proud to announce that we wont be selling this.
Its to much bother as with this comes everything from the kitchen sink to a chauffeur driven armoured escort just to go to the shops and we don't want to put this stress on our private clients.

 So to spend this amount of money on a single watch would be crazy, right? Well the answer is yes.
The Diamonds alone do not amount to anything near $5 Million Dollars. The White Gold doesn't come near to the asking price even combined with the Diamonds.
So why would you buy this watch?
For the bragging rights?
For the prestige?
To satisfy your compulsive disorder?
For the ability to look... Well crass?
Its just pure indulgent if you ask me and by the way all words on here are of a single persons own opinion served in the UK where language is a given right not a gift.
The freedom of speech allows us to criticise and critique the things on offer.
Our answer is this, if you build it, they will come?

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