Thursday, 30 May 2013

World War Z brought to you by Timz Watchez. X2 Trailers.

World War Z
Timz Watchez has gotta show you this, its a new trailer for the up and comming new film from Brad Pit.
You know that this film is going to be very intense, brutal, violent, action and obviously "Loads of Zombies".
We here at Timz Watchez love Zombies.
We go Gaga when we know theres a new Zombie film comming out. We loved The Walking Dead TV Series.
We loved the first initial Zombie films The Living Dead, Night of The Living Dead etc etc.
We love it all.
Keep comming back to find out what else is new right here. We will keep you posted on the World War Z front.


This is sure to put a few hairs on end. The graphics are awesome, the performances are spectacular. I dont know who thought it will be a flop but if it is, i dont know what they want? Blood!
This film, by the trailers is set to be a brilliant film. $400 Million Dollars says so!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

$5 Million "Dollars" luxury, exclusive, designer, hand made, awesome time piece from Hublot!

$5 Million Dollars time piece. This is a monster of all watches. I don't think even Jay Z has this one in his collection?
Who said it cant be done? Who said it wouldn't sell?
Well it did and it has!
Timz Watchez is proud to announce that we wont be selling this.
Its to much bother as with this comes everything from the kitchen sink to a chauffeur driven armoured escort just to go to the shops and we don't want to put this stress on our private clients.

 So to spend this amount of money on a single watch would be crazy, right? Well the answer is yes.
The Diamonds alone do not amount to anything near $5 Million Dollars. The White Gold doesn't come near to the asking price even combined with the Diamonds.
So why would you buy this watch?
For the bragging rights?
For the prestige?
To satisfy your compulsive disorder?
For the ability to look... Well crass?
Its just pure indulgent if you ask me and by the way all words on here are of a single persons own opinion served in the UK where language is a given right not a gift.
The freedom of speech allows us to criticise and critique the things on offer.
Our answer is this, if you build it, they will come?

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Amazing watches collage

stunning watches in these amazing collages. These are futuristic looking watches and deliver in design and luxury. Check oiut our photos page which is dedicated to stunning and immense luxury watches. By Timz Watchez admin team.

Stunning and amazing watch collages. You cant beat a Hublot watch can you? 

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Steampunk watches of the future.

 You have never seen this collection of Steampunk watches before.
The collection you see here are of amazing design. They take you out of the everyday and transport you to that place where everything is good with the world.
You check these out, amazing.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Hublot Big Bang Ferrari California 30 Giappone

Hublot Big Bang Ferrari California 30 Giappone.
Here we have a watch that turns heads when seen!
Its simply unbelievable and the watch of the Gods,
(in my book anyways).
The steel tones and the drilled parts along with the screws, brushed- feel, open innards and the beautiful design combined with the skeletal look is just awesome.
The Ferrari logo on the side is subtle but there. Its got manufactured wrote all over it, which in my book works for this model.
You can just work out the Ferrari Horse logo (middle, left).
Its a time piece that is luxury but complex yet stylish but hard working. Its got that hand made look to it. Theres probably a machine out there that could make this watch, but that would be a cheap knock off machine usually in China or Taiwan.
Hopefully they wont flood the market, but i think they will?
Unless it proves to much and not worth their while? That would be a bonus for the real deal but not for the forgers.
Fingers crossed it stays the way it was meant to be?

Thursday, 16 May 2013

21st Century watches

Timz Watchez first blog post, brought to you by way of an awesome need to satisfy our watch love.
We hope that our love is your love and the dreams you have, we can deliver on?
Well its kinda cheesy but it does (explain in breif) what we do?
You must check out these photos of amazing watches;